Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions – My view from Stage Left:

My intention is to publish this blog at least once monthly to keep my friends aware of my health and activities and also to be able to give you a piece of my mind. My last boss referred to me as open and honest with an in-your-face tendency. Although she also said “he is right 97% of the time, so please, just do as he asks.”

My New Year Resolution is to survive the next year. I figure that if I'm booked, I can't die; much like George Burns. Even though our resolutions fail us most years, I believe we can change our lives; it remains fundamental. Here are the common and simple things to remember. Take small steps. We work some much easier when we break things down into small attainable goals rather than taking on the “project from hell” that is huge, complex and not really doable. Second, we must become more self-aware, and self-understanding. We need to be able to evaluate what is important and what isn't. Even though we usually fail at resolutions, we can change our lives. This really is no surprise, as we see messages of change all around us. Change is a product that is sold to us. We hear so much about reinventing ourselves and how to change our lives in 5 easy steps. We actually have the opportunity to really do this but it must be approached by really thinking about what it is that we really want and how to break down the steps you need to make getting there possible. Many of us are not only feeling overwhelmed, but are also now taking stock of their lives so far as to be thinking about what's next, especially at this time of year. Myself, I have come to the place of, yes, I really want things to be different this next year. So, what do I resolve to do this year?

First: I will welcome and search out love. I feel like the main character in Krandall Kraus' book, “Love's Last Chance.” I have really loved only three men in my lifetime and do still love them dearly, although two are married and living a different life from when we were together. Those relationships, for what they were, were all before the Eighties, the age of AIDS. Having lived in NYC during the beginning of the AIDS crisis, I found that I had shut the door on relationships from that point forward. My third love was a victim and result of the AIDS crisis and has now passed on. Although my current cancer treatment has left me a sexual castrato, I still wish for relationship and love. My caution needs to be places aside and I need to be more open for it to happen. Stay tuned.

Second: I will eat a healthy diet (not with the intention of weight loss, although that would be great) but to gain better health. I have been reading about diet and disease and have come to the conclusion that getting healthy takes more that mind over matter, it takes work. I also will walk everyday for at least 30 minutes. Wish me luck with this as I am not sure I can do this.

Third: I will try to keep my humor intact regardless of my situation. Laughter is healthy and all of us need to laugh more. Even though the world looks like it's going to “hell in a hand basket” we can find humor in almost everything. Even the Republican take over of the House of representatives has been rich with humor. It's like the morons put all these rakes, face up, just inside the door of the House and then proceeded to step on every one of them. I hope the ridiculousness of this bunch of baboons keep going. I haven't laughed at politics in a long time.

With the news of the weekend still fresh on my mind, I hope and pray for peace in our country. There has to be a stop to the baiting of the conservative right with statements like “reload” and “second Amendment solutions”. What are these people thinking. Since the conservative mind is a mind based in fear, doing things to insight these people is just asking for trouble. Of course the “half governor of Alaska is an idiot” attributed to Keith Oberman, and the other yahoos in the “tea party movement” are acting without thinking of the consequences. People, especially those based in fear are easily lead a stray and this must stop. It is up to the rest of us to create the solutions needed to move us forward. We need to engage our brains before we open our mouths (“speaking; without listening”*) and then speak from the heart as well as the mind.

I hope this January finds all of you in good spirits and ready for the New Year. I hope that it will be a good one. Til next time...

Wes Cannell

* “Sounds of Silence”, Simon and Garfunkel

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