Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Grand Day Out or How can I help the children?

This past Saturday, I went into town (Portland) for a day of events. I don't usually drive distances anymore as the price of doing so is just so high. But, I decided that I needed to do this.

My first event aside from coffee and a bagel at DD was to attend the Rally after the Day of Silence. This was held in Monument Square. About 100 people were there even though the temps were not what we we were hopeful for. The speakers were interesting and the cause was very important. Essentially, the day of Silence was to support a stop to the bullying that goes on in our schools around the country. This is especially important for the young among us who are questioning their sexuality or have already decided that they are different and can't decide how to tell their friends. 

I'm sure that all of you, my friends, have stories of your struggle in High School. All of us do. It's just that in these days, the tools for the bullies are much stronger and more harmful and hurtful than they were in my day. (That is not to say that bullying wasn't hurtful even in the dark ages before computers and TV.) I was spared much as I got older as I became a giant among my peers and few felt the strength and verve to take me on.

I do remember the bad times, though. As a sophomore, I ended up in the hospital just before Christmas. My leg and ankle were broken in 5 places and I was in a cast until June. I though I would limp for life but skiing took care of that the following winter. In typical style, I didn't rat out the boys (all 5 of them) and get them expelled. Instead of this getting them to stop, it encouraged them all the more. Hindsight is so 20/20.

The age of the people at this event were from 3 to 80 something. There were people from the State Legislature there asking for support on their bills before the House re: bullying and legislation to further hinder transsexuals from use of the bathroom re: their gender identity and not their sex. Both seem such a waste of time given the need for "jobs, jobs, jobs" and solutions that move us forward and end the constant bickering of each side. I don't really mean waste as the bills unto themselves are important given the attack of the right on homosexuals. I mean it sidetracks attention from the important issues that need resolution. I was even more disappointed that Reps Morris and Bartlett were a no show for the meeting of No Labels that afternoon. More to come.

It was a pleasure to speak with friends who did show for this rally. I was especially impressed with the young people who showed up. There was a wide representation of the youth culture as well. My but that takes me back.

After a lovely lunch with friends, I went to the second event of my day, the meeting of No Labels at the UNE campus..

I have been interested in this "group" for a while now. The thing that really came to the front was that this organization didn't so much take sides but instead tried to move the conversations forward. Their slogan is, "Not Right, Not Left, Forward." I mean, when the group first announced their intentions, both Bill Rielly and Keith Oberman went out of their way to bad mouth them. A group that pisses off both sides of the political spectrum is of interest to me.

Being the suspicious type, I was interested in where their funding came from. It appears to be completely grass roots and does not involve the Koch Bros. To boil down the rhetoric, this organization is interested in having effect on the primary elections and want to move candidates forward who will work together for common bipartisan solutions rather that the two extremes (both Left and Right) pushing forward candidates who agree with their philosophy and are not able to work together. In other words, they want to put candidates who will work for a common good, America, rather that ones who posture and bicker and don't accomplish anything.

I have stated that one of my short coming is that I don't play well with others. This is a major problem with our federal government as well. This group, if able, will try to change this outcome. To me, this makes perfect sense. If you are interested in this, you can find them on FB or the web.

I purchased strawberries and the new Harry Potter movie on the way home. In all, a very nice day.

Now, where are my shovel and rake? The garden calls. And you, my friends, have heard it from me. Now go forth and prosper.

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